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Thursday, July 26, 2007

BEST SELLER: Getting an Investing Game Plan

Татах линкийг доор комментоор оруулсан байгаа

In a straightforward and accessible manner, Getting an Investing Game Plan explains why you need a game plan for both wealth creation and wealth preservation, and clearly outlines the components of a successful investing game plan. Shaped from the experiences gained in the mud of the marketplace as well as stories of real investors, these proven steps will help you get your investing house in order–whether you’re starting fresh or starting over. You will learn about:

* Getting into the game plan mindset–remaining committed, consistent, and courageous
* Knowing your risk tolerance and goals
* Understanding diversification (stocks, bonds, cash)
* Structuring a portfolio that suits you–conservative, moderate, aggressive, and the bunker portfolio
* Picking the right fund for your allocation needs and your financial goals
* Listening to select professionals
* Reviewing your game plan periodically
* And much more

After reviewing the ten steps to creating an investing game plan, you should feel ready to manage your own plan. But if you’re concerned that you might need some help, this comprehensive guide can show you how to find the help you need. Getting an Investing Game Plan includes a chapter focused solely on how to seek and size up a worthy financial advisor to manage your plan.

What matters most in achieving financial success is not how well you play any single round of the investment game, but whether you have a well thought out and complete investing game plan. Regardless of age or income, an investing game plan will help you achieve consistent returns on your investments, while making sure you don’t lose a bundle. With this book as your guide, you will learn how to create an investing game plan that will last a lifetime.